Your story about you & your sister was too funny! And the part about you waving "like royalty" to everyone you were passing? Classic. It is very easy to find ourselves thinking there is just too much negativity in our world today, but there are still so many good people out there as well. I have experienced so many kind acts and have had conversations with strangers that became so deep and left me feeling so positive about our world as a whole recently. Hang in there; the good people are still out there! Thank you for sharing Christine Applegate and Jamie-Lynn Sigler's podcast Messy. I wasn't aware of this one and I found it after reading your newsletter. I have been reading about Christine's MS in many articles. I wasn't aware that Jamie-Lynn has it as well. I have a friend who has it and I have witnessed her journey with it. Great newsletter, as always, Abby!

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Thank you so much!

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May 10Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Ali Lopez, author of, Next Obvious Thing, had forward it to me.

Yes it’s good to know there is lots of good in the world!

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May 9Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

I always smile when I am alerted to a new post from you! I expect to love it and you have never disappointed! The story with your sister was hilarious and the children with memories of past lives was….just, wow! 😍

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Thank you! ❤️ I always get so happy to see a comment from you! Soon soon soon…

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May 9Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

a friend forward this to me knowing I would love it! I read and listen to stories about back packing, via foot and bike. It is amazing the people along the route that open up their houses cook for strangers out in the woods. It keeps me grounded to positivity like your story shared. Thank you!

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Thanks so much for reading and subscribing! I'd love to know who forwarded this to you. And yes, the people who welcome strangers and give them food and even a place to sleep amaze me too. I listen to a lot of true crime and don't know that I'd be as generous or trusting (of either the hikers or the homeowners) but at the same time I'm glad to know that people do these things and are able to live in such an open way. Goals, right?

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May 7Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

The past lives article was WILD. Thanks for recommending that.

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Thanks for checking it out!

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May 7Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

I have been experiencing a rash of small acts of kindness lately. It makes me very optimistic 💖

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I love how accessible these small moments are, too. That makes me happy.

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May 7Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Great story—we need all the reminders of kindness there are right about now! Been wanting to read that WaPo story, thanks so much for the reminder!

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It was a shame I had to go back 15 years to find one, but....

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May 7Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Ugh. I know. But it was a good one!

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May 7Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Abby - another joyful and educational romp through your story-brain-offerings of life’s simple, yet, complex internal and external delights. The expression on the Grand Marshal’s face and his/her comment is perfect! Cheers, my friend! Thanks for the smile.

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Thanks, Pat!

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May 7Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Ghosts, paranormal and past lives have always fascinated me, as well. Possibilities intrigue me.

Hopefully we can chat more about these things when I see you. ❤️

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I still can't believe it's actually happening! I can't wait!

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I am joyfully counting down the days. 😊

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May 7Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

I was really fascinated by the WaPo article on children who remember past lives too!

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So interesting, right?

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