Jun 8, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Oh Abby, I am so with you on all you've written here. I too am content with my own company. I read, I write, I paint, I make music, I sew for my grandkids. Most of my friends are far away or not so far, but on the other side of the Canadian border (sorry for the smoke) where I cannot go these days for medical reason (not mine). Anyway, I too felt "fun" had been allowed to wither into the back corner of my life so I did a couple things. 1. Bought tickets for the British Ukele concert. The group has a longer name I don't remember but they were a riot. The do amazing things with ukeles (which I've taken up in last year) and are comedians in the dry British style. We enjoyed it so much and the laughter and joy the ensemble stirred up in the audience was infectious. 2. We are heading off on our usual summer RVing trip. We have a small camperized van so do not think 40 ft bus! We love to meander around the country. This year we will head up to the Arctic Ocean at Tuktoyuktuk. This is Canada's most northern town on the Arctic Ocean. But first the fun. On Wedensday we are heading to Souris, Manitoba for a Meet-up of Small RV owners to party, make music, play games and be superbly decadent. I thought pancake breakfasts were a carb overload but first day we'll have a cinnamon bun breakfast. Do Canadians know how to fun? Oh YEAH. Have a GREAT summer. Carolyn

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I love this so much, Carolyn! And I'm so glad to include you in my "friendship explosion" of 2020. Have the best time on your RV trip! You had me at Tuktoyuktuk. xo

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Nothing like a good, old fashioned indie movie house to break out of the post pandemic slump!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Abby, I was JUST shown Taryn Delanie Smith yesterday, we watched a ton of her bits and laughed and got choked up...I absolutely love her!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Glad you are meeting up with some pandemic virtual friends IRL! Can’t wait til we can do that!! ❤️❤️❤️

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See above what I wrote to Pat. I can’t wait to hang out with you in person.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

I almost was able to spontaneously meet up with Marcy yesterday when we had an unexpected open day in Plymouth, Mass. where we are here for a wedding! Unfortunately, we were unable to make it happen, but it will sometime! When planning this trip, We also considered trying to extend it to make it out to Philly, but just couldn’t make that work! (Glenn was totally on board! “You should go see Abby!”) Again, it will! And the reunion will be heaven!! Love you 💕❤️💕❤️

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Love YOU

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Fun newsletter, brava my friend on rediscovering fun!

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Thank you!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Inertia is my constant companion these days, Abby, for much the same reasons you mention in your piece. And, like you, I know I am the only one who can change that. Thank you for reminding me of that. Happy Summer fun, my friend.

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Pat, your inertia is incredibly badass, in my book. Herding cattle, growing your own food, watching bears roam your land. Thankfully you and I had the same impulse back in 2020 or we'd never have met. I'm so grateful we have. Have great summer! And next "reunion" is going to be a party for Lori's book launch for WNAP. xo

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Thank you. YES!!! I would love that. Please keep me posted. That would definitely demand that I break-up with Inertia once and for all. Haha!

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We have to make it happen for sure.

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Yes. We will “make it so”.

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Yes! Yes! And Yes to this!! 🥂

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I look forward to hearing about your get away in August. It's amazing the friendships that have started by meeting people online via various avenues & then in person.

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Yes, that these friendships can be as real as in-person relationships is amazing.

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Love this and how a trip to the movies sparked it. I’m also still trying to get back into the groove socially. I was so social (too social) before the pandemic that I’m trying to find a different cadence. 💜💜

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Thank you! I'm glad both of us were socially up for HippoCamp last year because it wouldn't have been the same without you!

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

I'm such an introvert too. Thanks for the reminder to nurture my friendships. Great newsletter, Abby!

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Thanks Heather!

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

I can SO relate to your social introvert self, Abby, including your recent lack of fun. I think writing a book will do that to you, lol. Great newsletter!

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Thanks Karen!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Abby Alten Schwartz

Thank you; this is delightful!

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Thank you!

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